

NORCE is Norway’s second largest independent research institutes, with a turnover of around 100 M€, 750 employees, 1500 projects, and 500 scientific peer-reviewed publications per year. Research and innovation at NORCE cover areas within Energy, Health, Climate, Environment, Society and Technology. At the core of NORCE’s research is developing sustainable solutions for society at large, anchored to UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs). Our solutions are generated to both meet key societal challenges and contribute to sustainable value creation locally, nationally and globally. More specifically, we aim for society to have a mix of energy sources that are sustainable, safe and produce energy in a cost-efficient manner; reduce social inequality, and improve health in every stage of life; understand climate change, consequences thereof, and how we best can adapt; sustainably use and manage the environment and natural resources, including contributions to the future bioeconomy; understand, explain and provide sustainable solutions to key social issues by providing a foundation for decision-making by politicians, authorities and businesses; and develop technology used in transport, aquaculture, energy, civil protection and medicine. Drawing on high calibre expertise in a wide range of fields NORCE is uniquely equipped to foster new knowledge and innovative solutions and maintains a research infrastructure to support cutting edge research within its fields. Also, NORCE’s research focus culminates in four overarching interdisciplinary topics; safe society, sustainable energy production, climate change, sustainable oceans and aquaculture, utilizing expertise across all six above mentioned topics. NORCE is a leading participant in several national centres of excellence, and has a strong focus on international research collaborations, including EU projects. The institute’s research is actively communicated via several platforms to reach different audiences, including stakeholders.