

Ecoinnovazione s.r.l (http://www.ecoinnovazione.it) is a research and consultancy firm, set up as an ENEA spin-off (the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development). ECOIN has a robust knowledge and experience in life cycle-based sustainability (environmental LCA, social LCA and economic aspects) assessment of innovative technologies, applies Responsible Research and Innovation principles and stakeholder engagement in the research and development process to achieve acceptability and consensus on innovative technologies, products and methods. In particular, ECOIN is pioneering the social assessment with life cycle approach. It participated to the revised (2020) Social LCA Guidelines under the Life Cycle Initiative; in 2018 co-organised and co-chaired the international conference on Social LCA (Pescara, 10-12 September 2018) (http://www.slca2018.eu). ECOIN participates in multi-stakeholder boards and working groups with, besides others, the European Commission (e.g.: product and organisation environmental footprint; sustainable finance), the United Nation Environment within the Life Cycle Initiative, as member of the Steering Committee as representative of the business constituency; the Social LCA Alliance (https://www.social-lca.org). Ecoinnovazione is accredited as industrial research laboratory within the High Technology Network of the Emilia Romagna region and is “Participant” of the United Nations Global Compact.