
Driving the green revolution: the crucial role of carbon capture and utilisation research & innovation in the EU’s industry transition

Carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) is establishing itself as a crucial player in the decarbonisation efforts across diverse industries, spanning from power generation to the energy intensive industrial sectors. Functioning as a bridge during the transition from conventional fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, CCU provides a practical solution for supporting climate change objectives while ensuring energy security. In the race against time to achieve sustainable energy solutions by 2050, understanding the multifaceted significance of CCU is pivotal for effectively navigating our way through the terrain of climate action.

The EU’s journey in developing and implementing CCU policies is rooted in its commitment to ambitious climate targets. Over the years, the EU has taken significant strides to promote the deployment of CCU technologies through a comprehensive policy landscape shaped by key initiatives. This includes the adoption of the EU Green Deal, the Climate Law, and subsequent proposals to elevate energy and climate targets for 2030.

In the realm of the EU’s CCU landscape, the PYROCO2 project is the engineering, construction, and operation of a large-scale demonstrator plant, designed to validate the scalability and economic viability of CCU technology using an innovative biotechnological process.

The PYROCO2 project stands as a testament to the collaborative effort across the EU’s CCUS ecosystem, involving a consortium of 20 partners from ten European countries and extending its outreach to the Asian market. With a budget of nearly EUR 44 million, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, PYROCO2 is set to achieve significant milestones. By 2026, the project aims to establish its large-scale demonstrator. By highlighting the practicality, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness of its biotechnological production platform, it will help the EU’s chemical industry in its transition towards climate neutrality.

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